What kind of vibration do I want to contribute to the Field
of Life Energy?
answer to this question grounds me in my intention. If I get distracted through
my old habits and lose my focus of my intention, I begin to lose energy and
feel imbalanced. When I stay focused my energy increases and I feel myself
in an effortless flow.
Through awareness, I can observe the differences and step back from a situation
and refocus my energy and bring it into alignment with my intention.
Life has shown me that when I stay focused my experiences of life change,
too. I can stay on a path of personal transformation by acknowledging the choices
I make and how I use my energy. There are choices that build energy and there
are those that deplete it.
There are choices in gardening that work the same way. I have observed that
keeping focused on my intention to make choices for the highest good for myself
and the garden, builds energy in the garden. The plants flourish and there
is less disease. When I get distracted and don't stay as conscious, problems
can show up in the garden.
There have been some hard lessons around this, but they have been valuable
in helping me understand this dynamic of life energy. Through them I have learned
that each moment is an opportunity to practice aligning with my innermost
intention. It is an ongoing process of deepening and growth.
I remind myself that the Universe
is alive and growing, just as I too am alive and growing. Operating from my
deepest intention allows for my greatest participation in the mystery and magic
of living.