The Dragonfly Garden resides in a meadow landscape rich in wildlife
and diversity.
garden is surrounded by a vibrant ecosystem filled with life. Deer, ravens,
songbirds, hawks, eagles, owls, swallows, hummingbirds, and many others,
call this meadow their home for most of the year. Frogs, snakes,
and ladybugs discovered
it during its first season and are now regulars in the garden community.
In the early spring, the open meadow grassland and forest edge come
alive with patches of pretty white blossoms from blooming wild Hawthorne
and plum trees. Soon the bees arrive as well as the first songbird scouts.
Then frogs come alive in nearby
ponds with riotous choruses designed to
enchant us on moonlit evenings.
The repeated timing of each year's events triggers
in my psyche a deep connection to Life. I feel comforted in knowing
that Nature is still intact and therefore my chances of survival
high. Joy wells up with the arrival of the swallows,
the geese flying north, the hatching of the first dragonflies, the wrens
gathering little sticks to build their nests in the birdhouse
with their name on it, the day the robins bring their youngsters
to the garden and teach them to gather worms and eat our first raspberries...
a regular participant in the meadow activities, I find much delight in
the friendliness and acceptance from the other creatures who live here.
My presence does not scare away the Blue Heron in the tree above, the
deer wandering by, or the geese raising their young in the pond next
door. Hummingbirds come up to the water coming out of my hose and take
a quick dip, dragonflies land on my arm and stay there for awhile. Eye
contact with little creatures is a marvelous experience.
In the winter, the deciduous trees in
the southern meadow lose their leaves, giving us glimpses of
the tidal fluxes as they fill in the estuary that meets the small harbor
beyond. Sounds of gulls float up
from the harbor, expanding my sense of the sea surrounding
us. On foggy days, I might even hear the sound of a fog horn from
a ferry, passing by on its way to a neighboring island.
The Divine amphitheater of our garden setting, feeds the soul, and supports
our intention for the garden to be a living sanctuary for nature and
peace. Walking down the forest path to the garden and catching the first
glimpse of it in its lovely setting, almost takes my breath
away. It is so beautiful! And it's even more beautiful in the